A New Blog Addition to our Family

A New Blog Addition to our Family
Capturing our 2010...one photo at a time

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday Morning In Bed

Of course, our day isn't complete til Alex makes his daily "mad" face...he thinks he is cute...I guess because we keep laughing and taking pics :)

Nothing special, nothing new...boys are still coughing....and still waiting for improvement.  So with the given, it was a very lazy Saturday morning...and Saturday, period.  At least, cute photos were captured with Daddy :).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What a Croupy Day!!

So both boys are home sick today, Alex was first to be sick with a bad cough that turned out to be Croup, and sure enough, Brayden followed.  Although, B seems to be just a cough...but still I kept him home.  But even sick the boys have energy that just doesn't stop.  So, I gave them paper with hearts on them to do whatever they wanted to do with...color, cut, tear...whatever.  They were HAPPY and OCCUPIED...my two favorite things.  After a good hour of that we decided to dress up like Buzz Lightyear and Woody from Toy Story...it was soooo cute!!!  Apparently it drained their energy tanks because I am enjoying a quiet house with 2 napping boys.....ahhhhhh, peace!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Goldfish Applesauce

He won't eat his veggies, but he will eat applesauce mixed with goldfish pretzles.Yes, this was my lil' boy's concoction at lunch today....interesting, huh?!?!!  So how does it taste, you ask???  Let's see......

Yeah...that's what I thought, Chef B :)....YUCKY!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Golf Day

More pics from our golf day...:).

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Photo Play

I thought this was a cute idea and something fun that I saw on blog site of photos...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Heart Wreath

I decided to try to make this heart wreath I saw on another blog that claimed to be easy....and boy was it easy....and CHEAP!!  A wire hanger, a yard of burlap, some tulle, and a bit of elbow grease....and VOILA!

Here is the link and tutorial if interested in making:

**NOTE: I used a yard of burlap to fill-in more vs. 1/3 of burlap she used.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bike Riding With Attitude On The Side

Bike Ridin' Sunday

Alex was not happy Daddy was on his bike...but yet, he didn't want to ride it

Alex fell and got his hands dirty....and had to show us all

This afternoon, after watching a horrible game of football, we all went outside for some fresh air and to enjoy not having to wear a jacket.  Brayden wanted to ride his back (and could have all evening and night long if allowed), Alex wanted to, got dressed to, but wanted to just walk and chase his brother.  I was the "papparazi" as Wally calls me...but who's going to capture these moments, if no one else does *Ahem, Wally*.  In fact, he asked Brayden if he was recently in a hit movie because of all my picture taking...ha ha, Mr. Walls.
It was a fun break, loved watching Brayden get better and faster with his bike (already asking for his training wheels to come off), and Alex was funny to watch chase B around and get mad at that Daddy for riding his bike ;).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Things I'm Lovin'....Right Now

Taking pics with my new camera

Drinking my morning coffee in my favorite cup

Playing Words With Friends on my iPhone...so addictive

My MomAgenda...keeps me organized with who, what, when, and where

My AE Sweatshirt....oh, how would I survived w/o it to keep warm in the house so I didn't have to wear a jacket indoors or buy a snuggie (sorry, not on that band wagon...yet...or ever :) )

Our Wii, it has given us more "Family Fun Nights"...who wouldn't like that

My Tyler "Birthday Cake" candle....
OMGosh, I want to eat
my house it smells so
when I burn this candle :)

The Wall going up the stairs...I finished this right before Thanksgiving
and was very pleased w/ the finished result.  It's so nice to see when going up
the stairs, and the boys love seeing themselves.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


To me it doesn't even look like B-boy

Brayden and Alex got the these finger lights for Christmas from their Grammy...both boys loved them, but B reallyyyyy LOVED them. He has them ALL plus Alex's on his fingers, puts them on his bike, and even goes around the house and "decorates" as he calls it. Well, on this morning, I had just woken up and was greeted by this walking down the stairs...kinda eerie, but kinda funny, and my thought that ran into my mind was 'how long has he been up playing in the playroom??'...it was 6:45am when I got up.

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010...Fresh Start


Poor, Alex....can't catch a break from being hit by Daddy's pillow

Big brother will take care of it

Watch out, Daddy!!

A kiss to call a truce :)

I know....I have been MIA and a blog slacker...but nothin like a new year and new decade to get back on track. So I dedicate my first blog of the year and decade to my loving husband who is, also, my loyal blog reader....because I got so much grief from him for not blogging. My 2nd goes to my mama, who teamed up with W from time to time about the blog :). Hope you both enjoy ;)!!

I will save my excuses for not blogging and get on with the blog....Last Saturday morning started with a pillow fight, and lots of laughs and giggles. It was Brayden and Alexander vs. DADDY! It was quiet the sight to watch the boys use all their might and strength to get a good hit with a pillow towards their Daddy, and Wally just tosses the smallest pillow we have and they go DOWN. It was a fun start to a Saturday morning!