Party favors
Vanessa, Adrienne, & Tiffany w/ Ethan
My dearest friend, Ally, had her sweet baby boy, Ethan, back in February, since they now live in Houston we decided to celebrate after the birth. So, Saturday, was the day to honor and fuss over lil' Ethan. It was a great celebration, with food and mimosas, great group of girls to chat with (most conversations were about baby and kids, imagine that :) ), and a great guest of honor that was so sweet and so good (really, what boy wouldn't be with a room full of girls just for him?!).
It was bittersweet when she had to leave in the evening, but we got to visit for awhile, along with the husbands, kids, even Kay (mother-in-law and grandmother) and niece Amber. So I can't be too sad. One day they will be back in Dallas and we will have our very frequent playdates back that I know we both have always looked forward to. Until then, we will make due of the far so good, but summer maybe a different story. Hmmmm, maybe I see road trips in our future to Houston over the summer.
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