What a fun, fun evening! The best part was taking the boys trick or treating, and they really got into it. It was so cute, sad to say though, no pics because I forgot to charge the camera, so it was at home charging :(. But the pirates were so cute and made out on candy and treats this year. Alexander had no problems taking candy, in fact he was ready to go into each neighbors house and make himself at home. Brayden was a little shy, but he warmed up and loved every minute. We topped of our door-to-door trick-r-treating with our next door neighbor, Erica, whom so graciously invited us in for some snacking, chatting, and a beer for Wally. It was a nice evening and being able to stop off at Erica's for a bit was the topper for Brayden as he always wants to go and see her or go and walk her dogs....as long as they keep their distance :).
That night, Wally and I headed out for our Halloween fun, as we do every year (except when pregnant with Alex). This year was at the Old Red Courthouse in downtown Dallas. It was so much fun, and our good friend, Jobie, kept me rolling with laughter...she is not afraid of anything. I look forward to this night every year, as you can dress-up in something you would not wear normally (that is big to a stay-at-home mom whose wardrobe is jeans and t-shirts), and have the fun make-up and glitter, that if you were to wear daily...well you would be considered a not-so-nice name. So, this year I was Little Miss Muffet and Wally was my spider. He had to go with the spiderman costume because our homemade spider costume didn't turn out as planned...maybe because it was the night before when making it :). There were so many unique costume, always fun to see what people come up with. Can't wait til next year...we were given a great costume idea by our neighbor, Erica...stay tuned!
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