There are very few stories that would be interesting enough to make the blog that are just about Wally or I, why is that you ask....well b/c usually, and me more since I stay at home, we are always around our boys and the cute stories I share are b/c of them. So I take any opportunity I can, since few and far between, of sharing something about us w/o kiddos involved.
Wally was in a golf tournament at our club, Stonebridge Ranch, over the weekend and completely rocked it. He came in 2nd place....after a playoff between he and another guy for 1st place. He was on cloud nine when he got home on Sunday til the exhaustion kicked in. So, Wally, I am very proud of you and happy for you...you deserve it and needed it so you could take your mind off work stresses. My little Tiger Woods~xoxo!
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