Aunt Judie
Rayne on the Sit N' Spin...weeeeeeeee
Thank Ron, Rayne, and Sadie for opening up your house to us for some fun, football, and a yummy BBQ dinner...oh yeah, and the cookies :). We all got together Saturday evening because my Aunt Judie was in town. Last time she was here Brayden was turning 1, and Alexander was just 5 weeks along in cooking in my belly. So this time, Brayden and Sadie were little grown-up up toddlers, and Alexander was out of the belly to meet his great Aunt Judie.
The dinner, was fantastic...southern BBQ style, so you better believe I went back more, topped with yummy chocolate cake and ice cream. The evening was fun and the room was filled with the sounds of toddlers at play, hoots and hollars of football watchers, and chit-chat and laughter. Brayden and Sadie were as always fun to watch and play together, as they are both into the lovely word "Mine!" but with that they still were giving with there hugs and kisses to each other. They really had fun playing and singing Ring Around the Rosies with Rayne, my mom, and I... I think their favorite part was falling down.
Aunt Judie it was great to see you and the Spaulding family, thank you for having us over.
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