A New Blog Addition to our Family

A New Blog Addition to our Family
Capturing our 2010...one photo at a time

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Brayden with the jingle bells
Daddy & B
Mommy & B

Ice cream at his Christmas party

His class
Grace, his little buddy, they have become really close

Brayden with his sweet teachers, Ms. Tonya and Ms. Betty

Brayden!!! Today, was Brayden first ever Christmas program, and we were so excited to see our little boy on stage. To our surprise, our very hyper, all over the place little boy was shy (stage fright to be exact) and just stood there on stage during the singing. Poor boy, as his mom, I just wanted to run up there and get him. I remember hating the lime light when I was young and so painfully shy at performances. But he was still so cute in his shyness. He did mange to jingle the bells when he first got on stage, but went down hill when he finally spotted Mommy and Daddy. So the pic was not so great, but got some good ones at the Christmas party afterwards. We also got his semester report card today, and the teacher made a note that Brayden, yes our B-boy, is shy, but that makes for a great listener at school *sigh of relief*, and apparently a ladies man (yes, he has already tried to kiss a girl, eekkk).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fish, Fish, & Oh, MORE Fish

One of the fish that Wally caught

All of the fish the men caught on their adventure
My freezer now with the fish, it's hard to tell but it goes all the way back

Wally last weekend rugged it and went deep sea fishing for 5 days, doesn't sound so bad, actually kinda fun, until he told me, it was driving down to the Texas coast (8-9 hour drive), then 3 days out at see fishing, your food for those 3 days were whatever would fit in a cooler, and sleeping in a small bunk. Surprisingly, Wally had a great time, and will do it again next year, and next year I will be more prepared for what he brings home. I was not told he would also be bring fish home, so Monday on his way back home, I received a text to make room in the freezer for almost 80 lbs. of fish.....WHAT?! I barely had room to begin with, but I managed to clear out a shelf. Fish, anyone...please?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by my sis to do the following: 1. Choose the 4th picture folder on my computer 2. Choose the 4th picture 3. Explain the picture 4. Tag 4 people to do the same.

I tag Ally, Heidi, Misty, and Jordan. I am also challenging my other friends that check in from time-to-time on my blog, to start their very own. I would LOVE to see what you guys are up
to :).

In this picture I was 7 months pregnant with lil' Alexander, taking my monthly belly shot. Awww, the memories, and now that little stinker is 1 & 1/2 years old.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Only In Texas...

Will you have a tornado siren going off at 11 p.m. one night in December, and freezing temps the next day. Yes, we had some bad thunderstorm come through last night, woke Brayden up crying, so brought him back to bed with us. I turned on the tv just to make sure we were ok and no warnings were posted (ever since last spring and having the siren go off 3 times, thunderstorms, especially at night makes me nervous, and last night solidified that feeling). Nothing on tv, just a strong storm passing through, so I cuddled under the covers with my little boy and hubby. Just as I was almost asleep and finally able to tune out the heavy breathing from my 3 year old, the sirens go off. What in the world?! Great! Our go-to closet for times like these is now my hide away stash for the boys gifts. Wally turned on the tv and I went to the window to look for this tornado, and the weather man said it was in Allen where the are seeing rotation. So in the clear, and never had to wake Alexander who slept through the whole ordeal, and the boys never had to see their toys being thrown out of the closet to get us to safety. Again, just gotta love Texas weather.

I will post more, just been super busy with holiday stuff and orders.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Slideshow For Wally

Here is the slideshow montage I made for Wally for his 30th b-day showcasing his 30 years of life. I finally got it figured out and converted to post on the blog to those you that I promised I would so you could see it. It was a lot of hard work only to discover that I had to do it all over again on Wally's computer to get it recorded, but it was all worth it.

Wally's 30th Birthday Party

Brayden giving a wink w/ Uncle Ihab

Waiting for the b-day boy to come home

My mom and Ihab


He got a golf cake, too


Making a wish

Cutting and passing out cake


On Saturday, I threw a small surprise party for Wally with just my family and his family getting together to celebrate his special day and year. So once getting him out of the house for the afternoon, I was busy til the last minute decorating, cooking, and finishing up his slide show. It was fun and perfect way of celebrating a number he wasn't looking forward to turning.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

Today, I am 25 years old with 3 years experience.... thanks to my brother-in-law for sharing that, I will be using that here on out :). Today, I will spend my day with family, and tomorrow I will shop the day away with my mom and hubby. What a perfect weekend, what more could a girl ask for?!

Thanksgiving Feast At School

On Wednesday, Brayden at a little feast at school before the Fall break, and of course I was there with my camera in hand. I have to say his teachers have a good handle on lunch with 12 kids than I do some days with 2. But I think Brayden just loved the surprise of turning around and there was Mommy :).

Friday, November 21, 2008

I just couldn't wait...

I tried, and contemplated about it, but I saw a couple of trees up in other homes in our neighborhood, and that was all I needed. Christmas is UP and I LOVE it, especially the boys. It does take work so I like to enjoy it a little bit longer, and come the weekend after Thanksgiving, I get to sit back and relax while others will be decorating :). It was fun, and Brayden was a big help, Alex not so much, he was right behind to rearrange and take away what we have done. Brayden kept saying "Oh, Mom, that is pretty (or beautiful)!" as I was decorating.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

To The Man In My Life Turning The BIG 3-0!

As he boys and I were hanging some "30" decorations up last night in preparation for this day, it was crazy to think this day was finally here. It seem like yesterday that Wally was 26 and I was 24, and just meeting for the first time. So on this VERY special day I wish him the happiest of days as entering into a new journey and chapter in life, the 30's.... a bit more wise, a bit more mature, and bit more handsome (like you needed anymore of that :) ).


We love you lots!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday At The Spauldings

Saturday morning we went to my sister's house for a little get together Sadie had for all her friends. It was fun, it was full of playing and laughter by little ones, and it was yummy with all the food and cookies. She is definitely following in her mother's footsteps :). Thank you, Sadie for a fun morning!

A Moment I Will Never Forget

I have to say that putting Brayden in preschool at the church in our neighborhood has been the best thing...even when I was shedding tears before his big day in September and then shedding tears when dropping him off for the first couple of weeks. Now, he LOVES it so much, in fact he doesn't want to come home when I pick him up.

This past weekend we had 2 separate moments that besides everything Brayden is learning at school (days of the week, Spanish, songs, etc.), this would have to be the best thing, the topper, what made us so very proud. On Saturday at dinner, we sat down and prayed like usual and were saying "Amen", when Brayden said "No, Daddy, you forgot God is good.". Moment number two happened on Sunday at dinner, as well, after we prayed and were saying "Amen". All of a sudden Brayden quietly breaks into a song, Wally and I leaned in to hear what he was saying:

God our Father,
God our Father
We thank You,
we thank you
For our many blessings,
for our many blessings
A-men, A-men

It is random moments like this, at dinner, that sometimes we find out what Brayden is learning in school, and this is what they sing before they eat. I take full advantage of those since when I pick him up from school he doesn't remember (so he says) no matter what I ask him..."What songs did you sing?", "What color, word, number did you learn?". Another great time of sharing what he has learned is bath time, he just becomes a chatter box, and when I am washing my face, He sits on the counter and says "Can I tell you something?"...and I stay all ears.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

The Group Picture
Little Miss Muffet and my spider....a.k.a. Spiderman
Jobie (cop) & I...this girl is the life of the party

Miki (bumble bee) & I...who looks fantastic 7 mon. preggers, but the girl always does

Jobie & Miki

I love him!!!

Don't know him, but thought his costume was funny and unique...camera didn't get it but it blink, too

Dave (Jobie's hubby as a prisoner) and Wally

Danyell as a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader

Mindi (Miki's sis), me, and Vanita

What a fun, fun evening! The best part was taking the boys trick or treating, and they really got into it. It was so cute, sad to say though, no pics because I forgot to charge the camera, so it was at home charging :(. But the pirates were so cute and made out on candy and treats this year. Alexander had no problems taking candy, in fact he was ready to go into each neighbors house and make himself at home. Brayden was a little shy, but he warmed up and loved every minute. We topped of our door-to-door trick-r-treating with our next door neighbor, Erica, whom so graciously invited us in for some snacking, chatting, and a beer for Wally. It was a nice evening and being able to stop off at Erica's for a bit was the topper for Brayden as he always wants to go and see her or go and walk her dogs....as long as they keep their distance :).

That night, Wally and I headed out for our Halloween fun, as we do every year (except when pregnant with Alex). This year was at the Old Red Courthouse in downtown Dallas. It was so much fun, and our good friend, Jobie, kept me rolling with laughter...she is not afraid of anything. I look forward to this night every year, as you can dress-up in something you would not wear normally (that is big to a stay-at-home mom whose wardrobe is jeans and t-shirts), and have the fun make-up and glitter, that if you were to wear daily...well you would be considered a not-so-nice name. So, this year I was Little Miss Muffet and Wally was my spider. He had to go with the spiderman costume because our homemade spider costume didn't turn out as planned...maybe because it was the night before when making it :). There were so many unique costume, always fun to see what people come up with. Can't wait til next year...we were given a great costume idea by our neighbor, Erica...stay tuned!