A New Blog Addition to our Family

A New Blog Addition to our Family
Capturing our 2010...one photo at a time

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Brother Taught Me This One....

I went to clean up Alex from his Popsicle snack and as I was approaching him with a wipe he made this face at me....hmmmmm, wonder who taught him this. He thought he was the cutest thing and did his funny little chuckle at himself, and I couldn't help but to laugh with him.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Weekend In San Antonio

The start of our trip 2009

We're here! The kiddos together
Brayden's Nick-Dude, as Brayden called him

Alex and Emma

Alex, Nick, and B

Alex and I

Waiting for the fireworks

Alex didn't feel good come to find out 10 min after this pic was taken, no wonder why he didn't want his pic taken

He felt better in the morning, he's so cool

The army crawl

Brayden waiting on Alex to wake up from nap...let's get this party started!!

Alex LOVED driving the cart

Look, NO HANDS...that is talent

Brayden taking our pic
Had to get a pic of Emma's hair

Alex and his bubbles

Brayden going under water

Every evening the hotel did s'mores...and we were there

Brayden mimicking the lady...what a ham

feeding the dolphins
Brayden getting splashed

Alex afraid of Shamu
Brayden doing his hands for Shamu to splash us

The Sea Lion show

This sums it up...the end of our trip

This past weekend we made, what seems to becoming an annual trip, to San Antonio. We went with the Morris family just like we did last year, and of course enjoyed every minute of it. The first 2 days were relaxing by the pool and letting the kids be fish, and our last day was to go and see Shamu. Brayden LOVED Shamu this year, last year he wasn't the biggest fan, just like Alex was this year. He DID NOT enjoy being splashed what-so-ever. But we are glad we went and glad to be home.