A New Blog Addition to our Family

A New Blog Addition to our Family
Capturing our 2010...one photo at a time

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Kick Off ~ 2009

It was actually last weekend that was our first trip to the pool this summer, but I forgot my camera...but not today. Probably better that way because last weekend I didn't bother to bring sand toys since last year they were all about the water spouts and nothing else. Well this year it's a different story, they like both, which is so nice because now that they SIT and play with the sand, so can we and just sit back and enjoy from time to time til one is ready to go to the water park area. I am sure this will be a frequent stop this summer. It was followed by McDonald's lunch and play to make sure they were fed, and good and tired for a nice long nap :). Love me some SUMMER!!

Stonebridge Ranch Member-Guest Dinner

Wally, me, Suzy, & Russ

Wally was in the Member-Guest tournament at the club this week with Russ (his boss) as his partner/guest, and last night was the dinner to wrap up the longgggg 3 day tournament (4 if you count the practice round on Wednesday). It was a good time had with Russ and his wife, Suzy. There was dinner, drinks, a band, and who could beat the beautiful view of the Dye course from up on the balcony (it was a perfect night for outside). I am not one for golf, but I do have to say that course is beautiful and the surrounding area.

There was also a raffle auction, Wally could care less, so I got all of the tickets. Lots of prizes to disperse our tickets from Xbox to Guitar Hero to a spa package to a 52" plasma TV. Surprisingly enough, we won the IPod Touch (I never win anything) so that was exciting since Wally has been wanting an IPhone, he will get to exchange it for that thanks to me stuffing those boxes with our tickets.
We will do this all over again when we join Russ and Suzy for the member-guest at Gleneagles... well, Russ and Wally will do the golf part and Suzy and I will join them for dinner. Stay tuned.....

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Is It A Ghost?

No....just Alexander. No matter how many times this boy gets in trouble for playing with my curtains, he always returns for more. Either he likes to be in trouble or hiding behind a sheer curtain is just that much fun (Alex's 2 year old mind: maybe they can't see me, but I can see them...this is GREAT!!). Poor boy, I know, mean mommy, right? But this boy at a smaller size almost pulled out the screws to the curtain rod, therefore almost having a curtain rod fall on him doing this same thing. No bueno, so this has become a No-No. But couldn't resist his cuteness...say "Cheese" for Mommy before vacating, please.

Remember When...

Remember when you were young and it was the small things that you would get excited over. Case in point, the other night we were on our way to dinner as a family, and we were at a red light when a fire truck came through the intersection with full blown siren and lights, and Brayden lit up with so much excitement shouting "Mommy, Daddy...look fire truck...fire truck...FIRE TRUCK!!!!" Oh, it was the cutest thing and Walls and I couldn't help but chuckle....gosh, to be a kid, again. Moments like those really put life in perspective, and is such a joy to be able to see life through your kids eye. They won't remember some of these moments, but I will and cherish each and every moment.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why You Should Never Let Your Husband Swing A Club Inside The House

Mark #1

Mark #2

and Mark #3

Yes, I just called my husband out. If you know me, or my husband, or both of us, then you know how much W LOVES golf. He eat, sleeps, and breathes it....he even watches it on tv (you area true die hard fan if you do that, I tried to watch it with him and it puts me to sleep). But after seeing a third mark left behind from swinging a club in the house, I have had enough, and told him one more mark and I get a new house :). Fair enough, right?!? Between the boys and my husband our house gets a good beating from time to time...can you only imagine when the boys get older, ugh!

But with the marks left behind from him practicing and perfecting his swing, he is still one awesome golfer and has a hole-in-one to prove it. Good Luck on your tournament this weekend, W!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birthday Video Montage For Alex~2 Years of Life

I have finally got this uploaded on here...not to mention FINALLY done (a little late after his b-day) for Alexander. I have been horrible about doing scrapbooks for the boys and am so far behind, but have really enjoyed doing these video montages...so my solution, thus far, is to do these for the boys bday's every couple of years. Hopefully I can live up to this.

Alexander loved it, and is so cute watching him watch the video and trying to relive the photos by making the same poses. And Brayden loves it as well, keeps asking to watch it over...and over, again.

Girl's Day Out

Lunch at Brio with my Mom and Sister

A Mother's Day gift to our mom was taking her out and spending the day together, and that day was this past Saturday. It was such a treat and just what the doctor ordered for all 3 of us :). It started at 9:30 in the Watter's Creek area with coffee then it was off for shopping & walking around, lunch, more shopping and walking, pedicures, and more shopping. I love these girls!!

P.S. Girl's you have to go and check out Charming Charlie, a cross between Sam Moon and Forever21

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Day For This Ladybug

September 2008
May 2009

Here is Brayden on his first day of school, and on his last day of school (thanks, Lisa, for the idea). Picking him up and watching him give big hugs to Ms. Betty and Ms. Tonya, I started to feel the tears coming on from ME (not Brayden) just realizing that these GREAT teachers will no longer be apart of our routine. But in return, I have a little boy who knows his alphabet, recognizes letters, knows his colors and numbers (up to 20), can spell his name and recognize it written out. More importantly, though, it was what wasn't taught that made a big impact on Brayden...friendship and bonds. And that he did, he made some great friends this year from classmates to teachers (myself included), and memories he will cherish from both...and with that I couldn't have asked for anything more for my little B-boy.

**Stay tuned for September, as I will send both boys of to preschool...oh, dear, I already need a tissue or a newborn ;)**

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

1-2-3, Yay For Brayden and Alex!!

"Yay, for Brayden!"

"Yay, for Alex!"

Brayden came to me yesterday morning and asked me tho put my hand on top of his, count, and say "Yay, for Brayden!". So we did...and once we got Alex up we did it with him. It was a cute moment that I quickly capture one of the many moments as we did this for 5 minutes straight...thank goodness we had to get to school ;).

Silly Stringggggggggggggggg

Brayden and Sadie

Ya-ya and Sadie
Ya-ya giving B a lesson in silly string
Alex think what in the world is this

Today, my sis, Sadie, and Silly String came over for a little lunch and play :). My sister brought the boys a little fun summer gift of silly string and water balloons, and Brayden was dying to crack open the silly string, so we let all 3 go crazy in the backyard with a can for each...the result, lots of fun and laughs. Thanks for coming over and the sweet gifts you two ;)! Mwah!

Ladybug Send Off

Brayden's Ladybug class bag

The goodies
a peek inside the scrapbook

So one more day til Brayden's last day of school, and today he brought home this cute bag with a few goodies and a scrapbook of their year as a Ladybug (what their class is called). The bag has each child's hand print on it made to look like little ladybugs, inside his teachers gave a book with a special message, his numbers, colors, & shapes book, a bubble stick (not in the pic), and best of all his scrap book. I got teary just looking through it seeing what I miss when I'm not there. So sweet and so cute, and Brayden is so very proud of all it. I wish I captured him and his excitement when W came home and to show his Daddy everything in the bag and explained each pic. Priceless moments are what it is all about!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Attack Of Elmo...

...thanks to Daddy! With this past Saturday morning of yet again, more rain, we were left to indoor craziness of another day couped up inside. So why not take the big stuffed Elmo and chase your kiddos around the house for some easy entertainment?! That's just what W did, and the boys were laughing and running around the house in hysterics...it really was just too cute which meant a great photo opt.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Congrats To The Bride & Groom

Pre-reception celebration
Sarah, Courtney, and I
My handsome man
TK and Courtney
W & I, cheers!
Sarah & Chris

The bride
Garry & Karrah

K-Roger Pharmacy Girls!!!

We went to my friend, Karrah and her now husband Garry, wedding reception. It was absolutely beautiful from the decor to the bride herself, and the pretty girls I got to be reunited with on this fun occasion. Karrah and I were pharmacy techs back in the day to the best pharmacists/bosses in the world, Courtney and Sarah. It was just the 4 of us when the store first opened, and we clicked and become a close team...I mean, Sarah did introduce me to my hubby and is part of the reason why we now have 2 very special, handsome boys. But as Sarah went off to the VA, I became a stay at home mommy, Karrah went to be an ER nurse, and Courtney stayed at Kroger and Ms. Head Honcho :), and we don't get our daily doses of each other we have managed to stay in contact and get together from time to time like the old days. It is crazy to think the only one in the group when we met that was married was Sarah, and now we are all married and have shared in each one's special day. So, congrats to Karrah and Garry!