A New Blog Addition to our Family

A New Blog Addition to our Family
Capturing our 2010...one photo at a time

Thursday, January 29, 2009

They Are Official, A Raccoon & Butterfly

Two BIG boys these days
We are registered!!!

CHEERS to us!

Today, I went to register both boys for preschool in September, and to celebrate both of them getting signed up, we ate apples...what better way to celebrate, right?! Raccoon and Butterfly are their class names, in case you were thinking I had lost my marbles. This year Brayden was a Ladybug, and has loved every minute of it from the class, to his teacher, to the learning, to his new friends. So there was no question if we would sign up Alexander next year, the fact that he cries when we drop Brayden off was a clear indication of what we needed to do.
It was very bittersweet this morning when I left to get them registered, in fact it was deja vu with my feelings all over again when I went and registered Brayden last year. But after watching Brayden grow and learn this year, I am excited to see that same twinkle of pride in Alex's eyes that I see in Brayden's. I am sure come September I will be back on the same boat for a couple of weeks of tears in my eyes when it hit how fast these 2 lil' munchkins are growing up.

Ok, now for my little Mommy bragging moment b/c I am so PROUD of Brayden. At orientation for Brayden's class in September, they said that by the end of the year most of the kids will be able to recognize their name written out. Well Brayden, surprised me one day in October when showing me his art from school and pointed to his name and said "Look, Mommy, Brayden!", so he had that down with what they said we could expect and with just that I was so proud and pleased. He now knows the letters of the alphabet and he has been pointing out every letter in words from the books when we read at night, so one night I quizzed him and asked to spell his name, and not looking at anything that had his name written out, by memory he spelt out B-R-A-Y-D-E-N, I was impressed and proud that he could spell out and remember the sequence of all 7 letters. Way to go, B!!

Cause & Effect

The cause for us to stay indoors
They were somehow entertained by running back and forth with each other

Other uses than just sitting
The boys burned off enough energy they were actually hungry for dinner

The icy weather lead to some stir crazy boys for the day. Alex couldn't understand why we couldn't go outside, and Brayden kept asking hoping for my answer to change. Brayden and I did go outside for a bit to slip and slide on some left over ice on our driveway while Alexander napped, but pretty much it was a day indoors...again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Outdoor Fun!

Saturday with the weather so cold and dreary, we were all a little stir crazy. So come Sunday morning when the sun started to peek out of the clouds the boys were trying (along with my help) to bundle up quickly to burn off that stored up energy. It is usually funny to them to fight me in getting dressed, but since going outside was dangling in front of them, they were ready and willing to help. For Alex that means to offer up his hands and to stand or sit still, and for Brayden it's he actually dresses himself and not say "I can't". Here they are on the swings, which they LOVE and can do for hours, I on the other hand am the one doing all the work by pushing and being ordered "Higher, higher!" by both boys, so the swings get old real fast :). Outside is where we spent the whole day minus lunch and naps until the sun was going down and time to eat dinner, I did this b/c I knew come Monday we would be stuck indoors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Rayne/Ya-ya,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

I love you and hope you have a wonderful b-day and party like a rock star tonight at dinner divas :). Pay back is you know what (he-he)! Happy Birthday, girlie~xoxo!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Room To Monkey Around In & Say Arghhhh!

First night in bed
So excited!

The New Monkey Pirate Room

His new bunk bed

Photo board I made to match the them

The inspiration~the monkey pirate bedding

Hand painted intitials

The homemade monkey picture, took awhile to do on computer but worth every minute

So FINALLY, I know, I am done enough to post pics of the BIG boy's new room. The inspiration came from his nap mat, I love the monkeys and adding the pirate really makes it boy, plus we already had a collection of monkeys (he is our lil' monkey). So I changed the stripe colors with a little paint, which ended up being week project and a headache, who knew since I was just "painting over" the existing stripes, but it was. I still need to get the monkey fabric to my mother-in-law to do the bedding and make a pillow cover for the top bunk, but I laid it out so I could take pics for you guys out there who kept asking about my little project.

But all my sweat , little blood, lots of bruises, and a few tears went in this room, which is why I am so Proud of it and get tickled tucking my munchkin in bed now. I put together the bed and dresser due to my excitement of getting it in, and not having the patience to wait for the weekend when Uncle Ihab was going to build all of this since Daddy was out with his knee. That is where my sweat, blood, and bruises came from. The tears came from when I peeled back the tape to reveal my last set of stripes (thinking I was done) only to discover that the paint had bled through the tape, and the color was dark brown. Now I had to go in by hand on EVERY stripe with the blue and beige color and repaint those stripes. Plus the few tears I had taking down his crib bed and watching it drive away along with the dresser, but that was short lived b/c they are going to a great friends and am so happy to see the furniture in there home.

Brayden's first night in his new bed went great, and he loves it, in fact now when I go upstairs to wake him up, he is still asleep. I must say that bed is pretty darn comfortable, at night I lay down with him and we talk, tell stories, or read a book, and it takes all I have not to stay and fall asleep. But the first night Daddy even came upstairs (which he is NOT suppose to do) to tuck his boy in on his very first night in his big boy bed.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Brain Hurts

Yes, it actually does from trying to plan and decorate Brayden's big boy room. The big trouble really has been deciding on paint colors. I didn't want to paint the entire room, plus I really like blue and the main blue in his room I love, it's the stripes that is creating the headache. But I think (cross my fingers) I have decided on the colors, time will tell when I am all done if I really like it. Another headache is painting a 3 year old's room. The times to do it is when he is in school or Alex's nap time and having Brayden stay downstairs...ha-ha, B stay downstairs, yeah right, oi-vay! Tonight or tomorrow I will order the fabric to make his duvet cover and pillows. We are really on a roll now, bed ordered (check), paint decided on (check, hopefully), misc stuff for room (half check, need a few more things)...yea, can't wait to see the final outcome. When it is all complete I will post pics of Brayden's BIG boy room, so far he loves the sample stripes I was testing out on the wall, and can't wait for his bed to get here. Stay tuned! (It will be a bit as Wally is having surgery on his knee this week)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lots of crafts before the BIG day!

Decorating cookies for Santa
Sneaking a little icing

The inspiration for the gift for their Grammy and Anna, Brayden brought this pillow home that he made at school and loved it and the idea, so......

We made them for both grandmas, with each boys feet and hands

the back of the final product....sooooo cute!

We made reindeer shirts, mine is the 2 so I could have both boys and each boy did their own

Alex upset we were decorating Santa's letters, didn't want to participate

But Brayden was into it

Christmas Eve & Day

Alex's way of opening a gift
Grammy, B, and I

The entertainment I hired for Christmas Eve

Break it down

Wow, the moves on that boy ;)

Grammy, Uncle "Funny", and Alex

Ya-ya and her new sassy apron

Poor baby, in so much pain, Merry Christmas

Santa came, letters read, cookies and milk gone


Wide awake!

Checking to see if Santa wazs still hear, since Brayden said he heard the reindeer on top of the roof :)



and more toys!

After Christmas Fun!

Brayden on Alex's airplane
Alex's Airplane test drive with Grammy

This image scares me when it becomes reality and B really get his driver's license

They each wanted to sit by Abby, fun night catching up with the McGee family