A New Blog Addition to our Family

A New Blog Addition to our Family
Capturing our 2010...one photo at a time

Friday, December 28, 2007

First Wagon Ride....Brrrrrrrrr, it was cold

And we are off....
Brayden waving to a neighbor driving by, as does Wally when he is outside (he is definitely his Daddy;s shadow)
Pretty pic in front of the golf course

Since it was our first sunny day since Christmas, I decided to take the boys out, and break-in their new wagon. I knew it was a little chilly so I bundled them up and each boy had a blanket, so it wasn't so cold for them. Mommy, on the other hand, was freezing b/c I decided to go with the light jacket. So our time out wasn't very long, but a few good pics....and that's what counts.

Sleeping Boy

This is one of the few times that I walk into Brayden's room and he doesn't jump up when he hears the door open....because he is still sleeping. He has actually slept pretty well during his naps the last 5 or so days do to a cold and being medicated. Here is a shot of the sweet, innocent boy before he woke up to his Mommy flashing away.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Sadie!

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to our little niece/cousin! It's crazy to think that 2 years ago today, as Wally and I were planning our day out at the mall the day after Christmas, we got the call that my sister went into labor. We were off to the hospital! I didn't even let Wally get a Starbucks on the way there, just in case we were going to miss Sadie's arrival.
Now 2 years later, it is amazing to see the little girl she has become. She is our bubbley, bouncing niece, who can put a smile on anyone's face, especially when she says Wa-wee (Wally). We are very blessed to have such a precious little niece and enjoy every minute of watching her grow into what will soon be a teenage girl to beautiful woman (crazy to think). Our boys will definitely know how to treat a girl with all of their nieces around. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SADIE! May you have a wonderful, fun, special day....you will be in our thoughts today as you celebrate being 2, woo-hoo! Go Sadie, it's your birthday! We're gonna party like it's your birthday! :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day....Merry Christmas!

Once again, I got up at 4 am and was wide awake, so started preparing for the morning. My mom came over at 6 am to do Christmas with our family. While we let the boys sleep we exchange gifts with her and hung out for a bit....then it was off to get the boys. Brayden did not know what to do with himself when he fist came down the stairs "...do i go to Grammy first, or the wrapped gifts, or these gift that are already open and they keep saying some Santa man dropped those off...", you could just see those wheels spinning in his head. He quickly got in to it all, opening gifts, playing, running around. Alexander didn't know what to think, so much so he didn't finish his bottle (his morning bottle is usually gone in 2 minutes), but he loved his toys. Around 9 o'clock my sister's family came over again to hang out, play, and snack on some breakfast food. We watched the little ones play, put together a wagon that they got the boys, laughed at some funny pics from the night before and Ron and Brayden being silly boys, and hung out for a few hours. Once everyone was gone, we loaded up my new SUV with car seats and went out for a ride. When we got home it was nap time for all of us, then it was time to get ready for Mogda and Uncle Ihab to come over and spend some time with us and eat dinner. It was funny to watch Brayden play with his Uncle and copy everything Ihab did. It was an amazing Christmas and loved every minute spent with our families.

Christmas Eve

What a great day, evening, and night. My eve started early I guess due to the excitement, joy, and magic that it brings...so I was up at 4 am, plus I had a lot to do to prepare while the boys are asleep. Wally and I spent some time just hanging out and talking while the boys nap, which was very nice to do, lately he has been busy at work equaling later nights, so when he get home we are spending family time and then off to bed w/ everyone. Then the festivities began at 3:30ish with my mom, my sis, Ron, and Sadie spending the evening with us. The food was yummy, the sweets (boy, there were lots) unbelievable, and the company was the topper. Laughs, gifts, children running around, and lots of love filled the house with warm Christmas cheer gearing up for the jolly old man's arrival. Thanks for a great evening you all!

Monday, December 24, 2007

My Santa, My Husband

Wow! That is all I can and could say when I got my gift....actually it was tears. So Christmas Eve and my family is over to celebrate and exchange gifts, my sister and I are getting the food ready so we can eat, eat, and eat (we were all a little hungry) and Wally and Ron had to go run to the store (uh-huh, wink-wink). So they get back and while we are still preparing things in the kitchen, Wally decides to make a toast (I thought we were getting engaged again or we were expecting), he goes on to say how he as had a great year and couldn't have done it w/o me and our team work, very sweet and we all cheers. Back to the food, but my husband interrupted me again to say the mailman had arrived (he knew I was waiting still on one more package), I just brushed it off thinking I could get it later on since I was in a house w/ hungry people. I was then told to go and get the mail not only by my husband, but also everyone else. Now this was weird and knew something was going on, so I went. When I opened the door, there was my it was, my wishful thinking coming true before my very eyes....I got my dream car, my Infiniti QX56, not only that, but also as a Christmas gift w/ a BIG red bow on it sitting all pretty and parked in the driveway like it was on a showroom floor. I always loved the Lexus commercials around Christmas time w/ the cars given as gifts w/ big, red bows, and my husband made my wishing and dreaming into reality. Wally, I can't thank you enough for my present (I'm sure me in the car when the boys went down and still in the car when you went to bed gave you an idea) you really surprise me. I know you said that this family couldn't run w/o me, but it's your hard work, determination, dedication ( and I mean dedication waking up at 4 a.m), and drive that has helped bless us. So thank you for making a girl's dream come true, and thank you to everyone who helped with Daddy/Santa's little secret. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Watch out, Alexander is on the move....Almost!

"Ok, here we go"!
"Ohhhh, lift up!"
"Oh my gosh, I'm up, I'm up....I'm moving....backward!"
"Whew, this boy needs a nap now."

So today, out of the blue, Alexander working on getting on up on his knees and scooting backward very well. We found him by the toy baskets one moment then under the table the next, and then by the fireplace scooting close to the tile. As some of you know this is HUGE for Alexander, as he, up to last week, hated being on his belly. Well that was the old "A", the new "A" love the belly, in fact he will quickly go to the belly when he is seated up. Maybe hanging around his May buddies the past couple of weeks paid off (can't have the Abby and Mariam taking off), and is quickly catching up to almost being ready to crawl. That will bring on a new excitment and joy in this house. Awwwww, how my baby is quickly growing....I can't believe it!

A Day Full Of Love

On Saturday morning, we were all in the living room watching our morning cartoons...Brayden and Wally on the couch and Alexander and I sitting by the blue elephant chair (actually I was using the chair to lean against). Well, Brayden wanted to be apart of Alexander and I and the blue elephant, so he pushed me forward to sit on the chair and pulled me back to lean against him. What happened after that had Wally and I laughing, he turned to Daddy and asked him "Take picture!", Wally was comfortable on the couch and didn't want to get up to get the camera and said "No", so Brayden said again "Picture!" short pause followed by "Peaseeee!" . Well enough said, Wally got up to take our picture and a very cute one I may add. Thanks to Brayden for calling out a kodak moment and Daddy for taking the pic that pleased our toddler.

Later on that morning, my mom or Grammy as B calls her, came over (as she does every Saturday morning) to spend time with us and the boys. Brayden loves his time with her, and when it comes time for her leaving or him going down for a nap, he is kicking and screaming not wanting to leave her side. This Saturday was very cute as he was very interested in her jewelry and even got to put them on...he was very happy.

Bath Time!

These two boys LOVE their bath in the evening...once Brayden hears one of us say bath or the water running in the tub he is bouncing off the walls til he gets his bottom in the water. Alexander sits there with a grin on his face either watching his brother or playing with one of the toys floating by that he can reach for.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

During the days...while we wait for Christmas

Less than a week away 'til the BIG day! Brayden eyes the tree everyday w/ all the gifts underneath, and for the most part he leaves them alone. Only one time I found him opening up a gift, the rest of the time he will just pick it up and come and give it to Wally or me. I am really impressed with how well he has done, especially with all the temptations.

Alexander just loves wearing the Santa hat, doesn't really have much interest in the tree, all he is into is his big brother and what he is doing. Every time Brayden comes to give him a hug or kiss, he gets the biggest smile and kicks his feet. I could wrap Brayden up for him and that would be his favorite gift.

I am already getting excited and can't wait for everyone to open their gift. Although, the stupid delivery guy, ruined Wally's "big gift" by either delivering it really late or super early w/o knocking on the door. When he left the next morning for work he saw his gift. Oh-well! It was really heavy and big, and I had no idea where I was going to hide it. So he got it early and loves it (it is a putting green, and if you know my hubby, I'm sure you already guessed it had something to do w/ golf), he and B go upstairs w/ B's clubs in tow and practice.

I am trying to figure out my gift from Wally....this year he may actually have me stumped. He is normally very excited and wants me to open it early, but this year he has either worked on his patience or he is not that excited. Either way I know I will love it b/c he took the time to "go outside the box" and not get me something that I told him I wanted, which makes it more fun to open and be surprised, and see how well he really know me.

To everyone who reads this, if I don't blog before the big day, I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Hopefully this will put a smile on your face

So I have been slacking on the blog, according to my hubby ( this is his break from work while he eats ate his desk), he doesn't understand it's a WEEK til Christmas :) and I am trying to wrap everything up both in gift shopping and wrapping, and food planning both eve and day. Today, I got very overwhelmed with my grocery list, it calls for a grocery trip w/o the boys b/c mama needs all the space in that cart. So to get my mind on other things, I cleaned out the fridge (I will need the room) and cleaned it. Then I decide it was time to go through my clothes and reorgannize it...random, but it needed it. I was on a roll, it reminded me of being at the end of my pregnancy w/ Alexander, and I was constantly cleaning.
So I have been bad about picture taking the past week and a half. So, I will post some funny pics that make me laugh every time I look at them. Oh, my boys, what will they do next?!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Days That Melt My Heart

Yesterday, as I went to go and put Brayden's breakfast on the table and told him to get in his chair, I found the chair taken by someone else, and Brayden being such the big that he is. He was putting his monkey in the chair, fastening him in, and don't forget the bib. So I got him a bowl and spoon, so he could feed his little baby monkey. He cracks me up! From time to time, he will come over to Wally, Alexander, and I, and pat our back and say burp...he is such a great big brother.

Glitter Christmas

I have been all about glitter this Christmas season...so much so I am over it now. It started when I had Ally and Abby over for a playdate, and I was telling her about how I glittered pumpkins last year for fall decor, and now I was trying to think of something to glitter for Christmas. So, Ally said, "Do Christmas trees...", so that's how the Christmas craft began and let me tell you how big of a pain in the butt it was, but in the end I love how it turned out. First, on my list was to find styrofoam cones in all sizes....I never thought styrofoam and still don't know why it is a little pricey...well, if you go to Michael's it is, but thank goodness for Hobby Lobby. Then it was to find different colors of green glitter...no one had it. So I thought my craft was over, but thanks to ebay it was back on. Once the glitter came in, it was time to glitter the trees. Uck! It was such a mess, the special glue for styrofoam was so thick it took forever to apply it, and then I ran out of glitter, so had to order more and wait for it to come in and finish. I finally had enough of glittering, but still needed more trees, so I went out and bought the silver trees to finish it off. To finish the glitter theme off, I found glitter green ornaments, and ended up making the living room a green and silver theme and the kitchen area a pink, red, and white theme....I LOVE IT. Thank you Ally, for helping me with my glitter Christmas :).
P.S. I is so weird, in an awesome way, to see 4 stockings up...I know we are a family of 4, but it sets it in and makes you say oh yeah, we are. We are so happy and blessed to have our little "A" with us this Christmas... last year around this time we found out he was going to be an Alexander and not an Alexandria. How the time flys?!